Monday, April 8, 2013

coming down the pipeline

So, I was thrift shopping and ran across an old lathe. I didn't buy it (shocker) but thought the premise was good. I have been sitting on a salvaged treadmill motor and controller for some time, and thought that I could replicate the style of the lathe in a larger format (also using as much scrap/salvage as possible).
Here is the inspiration:
Here is the current construction (lathe bed completed. headstock, tailstock, toolrest in process:
For the motor, I have the aforementioned treadmill motor. This is a 130VDC 3HP motor. The controller is an MC2100, fairly standard for recent treadmills. It came from an abandoned treadmill, found dumped near my neighborhood. The motor and controller were perfectly intact, but the controller was more or less useless without the treadmill's dashboard. So I poked around on the internet and found a way to interface an arduino microcontroller to provide the necessary pulses to make the treadmill motor run.

It has a pretty high top speed, close to 4000 rpm's. I will gear it down when attaching it to the lathe, maybe 4:1. Also, I hope to replace the full-size arduino with a smaller clone, and maybe add more features like a tachometer.

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